Wednesday, 6 July 2011

excel links for reference

                                                              MS - Excel :

Official Excel Microsoft Blog:

Basic Excel training in Microsoft office blog:

Excel Archive Forums 

Writing Macros:

Vlookup information: 

Vlookup Example:

updating prices in master list using vlookup:

Counting Unique values / Text with out duplicating text items:

About Frequency:


Holding control to enter data automatically in other sheets:

to count the duplicates  =countif($A:$A,A1)

To add name kumar in the end use concatenate:


IF examples:

Forumula's in Excel:

Avoiding Duplicates: Error message, before saving the workbook:


  • Click Data | Validation.
  • On the Data Validation window’s Settings tab, select Allow: Custom.
  • In the Formula box, type the following formula: =MATCH(A1,$A:$A,0)=ROW(A1) (if you’re using this in a different column than column A, change the “A1″ and “$A”‘s in the formula to whichever column you’re using)
  • Click OK.

  • Adding List drop down using data validation:


    To do this, follow the steps below.
    • Select the cell where you want your custom list to appear (if you want the same list to appear in multiple cells, you can copy the list later).
    • Click Data | Validation.
    • On the Data Validation window’s Settings tab, select Allow: List, and make sure the In-cell dropdown box is checked.
    • In the Source box, type the items you want in the drop down list separated by a comma. Alternatively, you can refer to a range of cells in the same worksheet that contains your list, or refer to a named range elsewhere in your workbook.
    • Click OK.

    Pivot tables examples:

    Consolidate example:

    Recording Macro:

    Automatically creating Index for files:

    Common Formula's in Excel:

    Hiding formulas or locking cells:

    Excel shortcuts

    Ctrl+A Select All
    Ctrl+B Bold
    Ctrl+C Copy
    Ctrl+D Fill Down
    Ctrl+F Find
    Ctrl+G Goto
    Ctrl+H Replace
    Ctrl+I Italic
    Ctrl+K Insert Hyperlink
    Ctrl+N New Workbook
    Ctrl+O Open
    Ctrl+P Print
    Ctrl+R Fill Right
    Ctrl+S Save
    Ctrl+U Underline
    Ctrl+V Paste
    Ctrl W Close
    Ctrl+X Cut
    Ctrl+Y Repeat
    Ctrl+Z Undo
    F1 Help
    F2 Edit
    F3 Paste Name
    F4 Repeat last action
    F4 While typing a formula, switch between absolute/relative refs 
    F5 Goto
    F6 Next Pane
    F7 Spell check
    F8 Extend mode
    F9 Recalculate all workbooks
    F10 Activate Menubar
    F11 New Chart
    F12 Save As
    Ctrl+: Insert Current Time
    Ctrl+; Insert Current Date
    Ctrl+" Copy Value from Cell Above
    Ctrl+' Copy Formula from Cell Above
    Shift Hold down shift for additional functions in Excel's menu 
    Shift+F1 What's This?
    Shift+F2 Edit cell comment
    Shift+F3 Paste function into formula
    Shift+F4 Find Next
    Shift+F5 Find
    Shift+F6 Previous Pane
    Shift+F8 Add to selection
    Shift+F9 Calculate active worksheet
    Shift+F10 Display shortcut menu
    Shift+F11 New worksheet
    Shift+F12 Save
    Ctrl+F3 Define name
    Ctrl+F4 Close
    Ctrl+F5 XL, Restore window size
    Ctrl+F6 Next workbook window
    Shift+Ctrl+F6 Previous workbook window
    Ctrl+F7 Move window
    Ctrl+F8 Resize window
    Ctrl+F9 Minimize workbook
    Ctrl+F10 Maximize or restore window
    Ctrl+F11 Inset 4.0 Macro sheet
    Ctrl+F12 File Open
    Alt+F1 Insert Chart
    Alt+F2 Save As
    Alt+F4 Exit
    Alt+F8 Macro dialog box
    Alt+F11 Visual Basic Editor
    Ctrl+Shift+F3 Create name by using names of row and column labels 
    Ctrl+Shift+F6 Previous Window
    Ctrl+Shift+F12 Print
    Alt+Shift+F1 New worksheet
    Alt+Shift+F2 Save
    Alt+= AutoSum
    Ctrl+` Toggle Value/Formula display
    Ctrl+Shift+A Insert argument names into formula
    Alt+Down arrow Display AutoComplete list
    Alt+' Format Style dialog box
    Ctrl+Shift+~ General format
    Ctrl+Shift+! Comma format
    Ctrl+Shift+@ Time format
    Ctrl+Shift+# Date format
    Ctrl+Shift+$ Currency format
    Ctrl+Shift+% Percent format
    Ctrl+Shift+^ Exponential format
    Ctrl+Shift+& Place outline border around selected cells
    Ctrl+Shift+_ Remove outline border
    Ctrl+Shift+* Select current region
    Ctrl++ Insert
    Ctrl+- Delete
    Ctrl+1 Format cells dialog box
    Ctrl+2 Bold
    Ctrl+3 Italic
    Ctrl+4 Underline
    Ctrl+5 Strikethrough
    Ctrl+6 Show/Hide objects
    Ctrl+7 Show/Hide Standard toolbar
    Ctrl+8 Toggle Outline symbols
    Ctrl+9 Hide rows
    Ctrl+0 Hide columns
    Ctrl+Shift+( Unhide rows
    Ctrl+Shift+) Unhide columns
    Alt or F10 Activate the menu
    Ctrl+Tab In toolbar: next toolbar
    Shift+Ctrl+Tab In toolbar: previous toolbar
    Ctrl+Tab In a workbook: activate next workbook


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